Impact Martial Arts


As a parent, you want your child to have new experiences in their life that help them grow and mature. At Impact Martial Arts in East Stroudsburg, we offer a martial arts summer camp that could be the perfect option for your little one. They’ll get to try something new, stay active all summer long, and hopefully make some new friends!

We offer summer camps for kids of all ages, so no matter how old or young your child is, we can find a spot for them. If you have any questions about our day camps, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away. We’d love to speak with you!

master of karate and friendship for everyone

Learn From Expert Instructors

We pride ourselves on offering expert instruction in every martial arts class we offer, and the same is true for our summer camps. Your child will learn from experienced and knowledgeable instructors who can help them learn the basics of martial arts, as well as offer new techniques for more advanced students. Perhaps your child has always wanted to learn martial arts — our camp is the perfect place for them to start!

Dedicated to providing expert instruction, our martial arts summer camp ensures your child learns from experienced instructors. Our program caters to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced students, offering a perfect starting point for those eager to learn martial arts. Our inclusive and safe environment fosters not only physical prowess but also important values like respect and teamwork. Through engaging activities, campers forge friendships while refining their skills. With a focus on individualized learning, we ensure every child benefits fully. Rest easy knowing safety is our priority. Join us to empower your child’s summer with growth, skill development, and martial arts passion.

Have Fun While Making New Friends

Some kids have difficulties when it comes to making new friends, whether it’s because of a lack of kids their age in their neighborhood or self-confidence and feeling courageous enough to talk to someone new. Our summer camp offers the opportunity to have fun while making new friends, as kids learn martial arts together. If you’ve just moved to the area and your little one hasn’t had the chance to meet other kids their age, this could be the perfect opportunity to help them feel more at home and make lifelong friendships.

Crafted to cultivate camaraderie, our camp fosters friendships through shared activities and collaborative challenges. Beyond just physical skills, kids learn the art of personal connections, stepping out of their comfort zones to build social skills. These authentic interactions, free from digital distractions, help them form bonds that extend beyond the camp’s duration. Join us for a summer of growth, learning, and meaningful friendships that can shape your child’s life positively.

karate workout routine
success martial arts

Learning Activities

While martial arts can focus on the physical, there are also mental and emotional lessons to be learned. During our summer camp, there will be lots of learning activities that focus on discipline, self-control, and respect for others, which are lessons that your child can carry with them for life. As summer ends and they start another school year, your child can apply what they’ve learned in our summer camp to their daily interactions with friends, teachers, and others.

The mental aspects of martial arts, such as maintaining focus and managing emotions, play a pivotal role in personal development. Through mindfulness exercises, concentration drills, and discussions on the importance of empathy and understanding, our camp equips participants with tools to navigate various social situations. As they transition back to their academic routine, your child will have a head start in handling challenges, collaborating effectively, and demonstrating the kind of leadership that stems from self-awareness and respect for others.

Our camp’s holistic approach to martial arts ensures that your child gains not only physical prowess but also the mental and emotional resilience that are essential in all aspects of life. Join us for a transformative summer experience that shapes your child into a well-rounded individual ready to face the world with confidence and integrity.

Physical Fitness

Summer is meant to be a time for rest and relaxation, and for kids, that can often mean sitting on the couch and watching TV or playing video games. If you want your child to remain active and get some physical fitness during the summer, our day camp is a great solution. Your child can learn how to move and control their body, practicing punches and kicks in a safe and controlled environment. They’ll burn energy and learn how to stay healthy and fit all year long!

In an era where sedentary activities dominate, our camp provides a refreshing alternative that not only engages the body but also nurtures a love for an active lifestyle. Through structured training sessions, enjoyable group exercises, and friendly competitions, we instill the habit of regular physical activity. Beyond the summer months, your child will carry forward the benefits of increased fitness levels, enhanced coordination, and the knowledge of maintaining a balanced and energetic way of life. Join us in making this summer an opportunity for growth, learning, and vitality for your child.

martial arts classes for adults

If you’d like to sign your child up for our summer camp this year, please contact us right away. Spots tend to fill up quickly, and we want to make sure your little one is able to attend. If you have questions about the day camp schedule or activities, we’ll be more than happy to help. Your child will be in a positive and encouraging space where they can make friends, learn martial arts, and become more confident!